Welcome to
Cafa enterprises, LLC
In addition to specializing in procurement and contract compliance CAFA Enterprises, LLC also researches current needs for State agencies and Government purchasing projects and develops products that can streamline purchasing
CAFA Enterprises, LLC is a supplier of Health and Safety products to government agencies on a local, state, and federal level. From supplies that ease the running of any government department, to medical and healthcare supplies CAFA Enterprises, LLC, can meet the needs
A 100% Woman Owned Small Business Enterprise that researches the lowest and best pricing from major manufacturers. Certified on a Federal Level as a WOSBE and Small Business based out of Dallas, Georgia. A small business from a small town!
FEIN 82-4226592
Upcoming Project

CliniKit is one of several products geared towards combining the needs of Personal
Protection Equipment (PPE) for healthcare professionals, first responders, law enforcement and emergency operations centers to quickly, safely and effectively protect patients and caregivers in this current COVID-19 pandemic. CliniKit is in the process of being submitted for GSA scheduling and should be ready by October 2020.
Our Leadership
Sabina Agha is the President and Founder of CAFA Enterprises, LLC. Established in 2012, Mrs. Agha entered the local government and procurement field by supplying local county agencies and law enforcement. Using her medical education background she focuses her knowledge and skills creating solutions and products to fit the ever-changing needs of the market.
Our Clients
Our client list is diverse and includes federal, state, and local clientele. Below is just a small sample.
- SAM.gov
- Federal Disaster Response Registry
- State of Louisiana, DPH
- University of Louisiana
- State Emergency Operations Centers (Various)
- Emergency Supplier Network
- Palm Beach County Fire Rescue
- Fulton County Medical Examiner
- Fulton County Library System
We have had the pleasure of working with the following clients

Contact Us
Please call to inquire about meeting the needs of your department or to inquire about CliniKit PPE for the COVID-19 pandemic
Have a question? Get in touch now!

Contact Us:

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Office Location:
60 Brookvalley Ct. W, Dallas, GA, 30157